Radio Tower

BOOM and I landed on this building with a metallic thud. I fell all the way down here from my goddamn spaceship. I know I look like an electrical configuration, but I'm actually a robot. I preceded "The Iron Giant," and its animators actually interviewed me while drawing the film to help them shape the character. Anyhow, I've lived on top of this building since not long after that time. I don't really miss where I'm from, so I have no real intention of going back. We didn't have rain on my planet, so when I feel it falling on me here there's a slight sizzle in my wires and joint-work that I bet you can't even hear. It feels like a barely perceptible buzzing in my veins, if I had any veins. I know I'm not alive but sometimes it almost convinces me that I'm alive, the sensation of rainwater streaming down my sides. I have a great view from up here, you should climb up and see it sometime. My towering perch gets lonely.


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